The Founders Survive & Thrive Bundle
This Never-Before-Seen Bundle will give you the tools you need
To thrive as a Founder, CEO, & Leader within your organization.

This Founders Survive & Thrive Bundle is the perfect solution for you, if...

You want to identify and bust through your biggest challenges 

You want to understand exactly what you and your business needs to focus on to take the next leap 

You often feel too busy or have no time

You keep working harder & faster, but aren't moving farther

You simply don't know how to get to the next level

You are ready to Create Ruthless simplicity for your business!

A Look Inside the Bundle

The Founders' Book of

Ruthless Simplicity

In this eBook I walk you through the 12 Exercises I take each of my 1-on-1 coaching student's through. These exercises will bring you massive clarity and ruthless simplicity to your business!

It Isn't Obvious 

Until It Is

The biggest challenge in taking on the Founder's mantle, is not knowing what you don’t know. In this eBook I share the (not so obvious) insights, wisdom, and secrets I learned to build Rocket Ship Companies.

33 Meditations For

Seed Stage Founders

As a busy Founder or CEO you have more responsibility and stress than you know what to do with. This eBook is a perfect manual to have in your back-pocket, whenever you need extra clarity.

Get the The Founders Survive & Thrive Bundle Today...
What Founders Are Saying About Steve's Coaching

“Only Founder CEOs know what Founder CEOs go through and know the lingo. Steve gets it. I've gone from $4m in revenue in 2019 to $17m in 2020 and soon to be $60m in 2021. Four employees to twenty.”

Founder & CEO, MUD/WTR

“Steve's Ruthlessly Simple Business Planning approach has given me clarity on my highest leveraged activities, anchored me in the impact I want to make, and most importantly helped me stay focused and on track even with the constant twists and turns in my business .

Founder & President
Sentient Decision Science

“I've worked with a number of CEO coaches, Steve is by far the most effective. He is a natural coach and has lived experience as a founder/CEO that is incredibly valuable.”

Founder & CEO,

“33 Meditations for Seed Stage Founders always seems to have just the right wisdom to help me navigate the situations I am facing as a Founder.“

Co-Founder & CEO, Orbiit

“It just like fucking makes sense.”

Co-Founder VP Operations, Archive

“Steve is a kind of Yoda for Founders - there is 100x the wisdom of most business books in this.”

Mentor to Global Business Leaders
If you have taken my Founder’s Quiz or have been curious
about working with me, this bundle is the PERFECT next step!
I want you to be my next success story!
Why am I doing this?

Are you a Founder or CEO feeling burnt out? Are you reaching the end of your rope? OR... did you let go of the rope long ago?

I've been where you are. I've sat in your chair. I've experienced the extreme highs and overwhelming lows that come with being a Founder. I understand the weight and pressure that comes with those three, seemingly innocuous letters, CEO.

I've learned what it takes to take a company from handcart to locomotive... and ultimately ROCKET SHIP status.

The exercises within these eBooks are the very first steps I take all of coaching clients through. This is where we start. I wanted to share all of this wisdom in an accessible way so that you could experience transformation, even if you and I never work together.

To your success,



When you purchase The Founders Survive and Thrive Bundle, you will get access to The Founders' Book of Ruthless Simplicity Companion Course. In this 12 Video Course, I give you added insight as I walk you through each of the 12 Founders Exercises.

“I felt like a train with the engines and cars all on different tracks...
lots of power but not going anywhere. Just going through one of Steve’s exercises in prioritization I realized a there was a massive amount of stress and anxiety that I didn’t even know I was suffering from at the time.”
Here's Everything You Get When You Order Today...
TOTAL VALUE: $425.00

Survive and Thrive Bundle$24.97

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  • 1xSurvive and Thrive Bundle$24.97

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